We are a sustainable company
with values, that manufactures 100%
recycled paper and cardboard

Grupak sustentable

Ecological, environmental and sustainable Policy

In congruence with our business principles
and commitments for the year 2025, we
work in line with the UN sustainable
development goals.

Learn more  Flecha Derecha


Set of stages that a product
goes through from its conception,
design, manufacture, introduction
and exit from the market.

Ciclo Grupak

Sustainability Commitments:


Economic (SDGs 8, 9, 12)

  • Integrate 85% of our suppliers and 100% of our employees into sustainable development programs within Grupak’s value chain.
  • Achieve 100% customer satisfaction, ensuring that at least 85% of them are aware of our circular economy and sustainability initiatives.
  • Continuously optimize our production processes to reduce natural resource consumption and improve energy efficiency in packaging manufacturing.
  • Become the first 100% Mexican company in the sector to simultaneously achieve FSC-CoC, EDGE, ISO 14001, SMETA, and EcoVadis certifications.
Responsabilidad social

Social (SDGs 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11)

  • Implement at least three social investment projects annually, focusing on education, health, and community well-being.
  • Provide sustainability and recycling training in areas surrounding our plants and strengthen our Gradua-T program to support more at-risk students.
  • Implement health and wellness programs across 100% of our locations.

Environmental (SDGs 6, 7, 12, 13, 15)

  • Annually reduce water and energy consumption through efficiency technologies and the adoption of clean energy sources.
  • Maintain our commitment to zero waste discharge at all our plants and increase waste reuse in production processes.
  • Expand reforestation and conservation programs in partnership with communities and government entities.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint by 2035: Implement emission offset strategies and transition to 100% renewable energy.
Trabajador Grupak

sustainable development

At Grupak, within our framework of action and according to the different social causes we are involved with, we make a commitment in the contribution to the fulfillment of the following SDG.

Learn More  Flecha Derecha
Hero Learn More  Flecha Derecha

Best practices

At Grupak, we work every day under the industry,
environmental and business best practices

Otras certificaciones


Sustainable actions

In order to achieve these goals, we have
performed the following actions at GRUPAK:

Achieve the implementation of a sustainable culture based on the skills maturity model and life cycle management (MMC-GCV) and its 4 levels: qualified, efficient, effective and adapted.
Implementation of the ISO-14001 environmental management model
Higher education program

Innovations in sustainability

We innovate for the good of the environment and for everyone's benefit.

At Grupak we approach sustainability from a social, economic, and environmental drivers:

Planta de reciclaje de papel y cartón corrugada

We have a CO2eq measurement
(Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) in all our products, to know exactly our opportunity areas in order to decrease our carbon footprint.

Proceso de reciclaje de cartón corrugado

Since 20165, we are one of the first companies
with FSC CoC, this allows us to ensure that all of our products made with 100% recycled raw material accomplish the official norm so we can guarantee a responsible custody chain.

Planta de reciclaje de papel y cartón

We have projects which aim to reuse
100% of the water in our processes.

Responsabilidad social Grupak

We support through our internal projects communities surrounding our locations.

Reciclaje cartón

Innovation in sustainable products

Our products are made with high
quality standards, considering the sustainability
of our processes, seeking and guarantying
the satisfaction of our customers.

Learn More  Flecha Derecha

Our sustainable figures

In order to achieve these goals, at Grupak we have carried out the
following actions:

271 thousand tons of recycled waste

100% clean energy consumption

4.3 million trees not felled for the manufacture of our paper

100% of the water is treated in operational processes

87.9 thousand tons of C02 equivalent saved

+ 2,200 people supported in health campaigns in surrounding communities

9 years being ESR

+1,600 trees planted

6 young people in vulnerable situations supported to finish their university degree


We are aware of our environmental impact, that is why we strive to create a sustainable culture following the "Sustainable Development Goals" of the UN.

Cambio climático
Trabajo y crecimiento
Paz y justicia
Producción responsable

Read our Sustainability Reports


Contact us

Do you have special packaging
needs? Let us help.

Learn more  Flecha Derecha
Valores Grupak

Our values

We are a sustainable group composed
by an honest, responsible
and committed staff.

Learn more  Flecha Derecha
Productos Grupak

our products

Our role is to satisfy your
packaging needs.
Get to know our products.

Learn more  Flecha Derecha
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